curious and curiouser. chasing rabbits. daydream believer. royal romance. fractured fashion

Monday, May 17, 2010


I have these feelings when designing, one week I am on top of the world and I know that I'm doing something good and I'm on the right track and the next week everything feels like it is a mess and not going to work and I'm basically hating what I'm doing and thinking it will never eventuate into something great. This always happens to me, I doubt myself at times which I need to overcome because there is no room for doubt in my life. I think it just comes down to such an overwhelming year that I have embarked on so to get myself back on track I like to emerse myself with some of my favourite design things...including the work of Richard Avedon, I studied his photography when I studied graphic design for a year before I moved onto fashion, he is such an inspiring artist and art is where my passion first began before I discovered fashion so I like to go back to my roots and let these people inspire me...

"I think all art is about control -
the encounter between control and the uncontrollable."

Richard Avedon

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