curious and curiouser. chasing rabbits. daydream believer. royal romance. fractured fashion

Monday, June 28, 2010

i wish i was wearing these shoes...

or these...

all images from facehunter

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


mmm, versace menswear spring summer 2010...
a tattooed sleeve is the perfect accessory to those leather style pants...
if I had the guts I'd get a sweet tattoo.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

oh sweet life...

today is a new day...

and thankgod for that.

play in the park.

jump in a puddle.

eat an icecream.

pat a puppy.

sing incredibly loud.

dance in the rain.

do what makes you happy.

put on some dazzling designer clothes and hang out in a skate park with shirtless boys. It might just make life seem that bit sweeter and worthwhile.

Thanks fashiongonerogue for this spectacular image of Keke Lindgard by Knoepful & Indlekofer for Vogue Germany July 2010.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

print happy.

Just going a little bit Gaga over full body much love.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Party time in just over a week...


Thursday, June 10, 2010

alex...i love you.

(Image source unknown)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

New Sass and Bide website coming this month!

I'm wetting my pants with excitement!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

creating a collection...

Trust me...developing a collection is harder than it looks. Below are the workings of my 12 look collection. All looks are not final and colour has not been added. It is just a rough idea of what the collection will look like and the mood it is setting.

marg & jean by bree kulupach




The second skins in my collection are one of the focal points...they are the basis to the collection and act as a skin to the wearer which is then revealed through the clothing or lack there of. I have been playing around with the skins and how they will work on the body and am going to experiment with spray painting and stenciling onto my skin toilles to get proportion and the right ideas of what I want before I go on to digital printing!
Below are a few ideas I have been playing around with, putting some of the garments with the skins.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Black and White old school photography by myself taken while exploring my visual communication skills...the photos were taken using a very old film strip camera and exposed in a dark room. I love looking over my old work for inspiration and motivation and just to see how far I have come or to look back on what I liked about my work in the past. I started a Visual Communications degree and I guess about 3 days into it I realised it was not for has always been my one and only love so I made the year of the degree work for me, for the assignments that I could, I made them fashion related so I could stay interested and motivated...
Black and white photography has always been a favourite of mine and I so much enjoyed this experience of taking my camera to the photoshop and waiting impatiently for the film to see what kind of shots I got (not like the digital camera age when you can see straight away) and then taking the film strips to the dark room and exposing them, it really is a new experience and one that I would love to do again...
Enjoy the pictures, they are a few of my favourites from the large collection that I have.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

metals galore...

Paco's Archive...amazing designer Paco Rabanne's work is featured in Industrie photographed by Richard Bush. The editorial fuses Paco's amazing metal and plastic work with a free, spiritual beach setting.
Everything about this collection of work is undeniably amazing...

so good that it should be sinful.


Numéro’s June-July edition sees Greg Kadel bring to life catholic nuns and naughty schoolgirls in this spread with a blonde Miranda Kerr. Art at its finest.